For many years now, smart homes have been a hot topic on the news. It is a subject that intrigues a lot of people, especially considering the potential that a smart home has. For example, with automation, your home could predict a lot of your movement and turn on and off lights and lock and unlock doors without any interaction on your part. You also have the option to control everything in your home just using your voice.

Of course, with all these powerful options, there is also great danger. Smart home security is very important, or someone else could have access to your devices without your control. You might have seen news stories of cameras being taken over and strangers speaking through them. It is important to have security settings checked on your devices to make sure they are not open. You should also be aware of updates since these usually are implemented to block security breaches. When buying devices, you should also avoid no-name brands that are more prone to being hacked.

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