Bugs in our homes are never fun to deal with, and especially so when we can’t figure out where they are coming from. This is often the case with sewer gnats. A homeowner might get confused as to why these bugs that look like fruit flies are swarming around in their bathroom. The reason is that, just as their name implies, they are coming out of the sewer. You can tell the difference between sewer gnats and fruitflies by their wings and strange antennae.

They also leave behind a black dusty residue when you swat at them.

Sewer gnats can be very tricky to get rid of. Their nests have been known to survive boiling water as well as bleach being poured down the drain. The best solution is to get a sewer snake and dig the nest out for good. It helps if the snake has a camera on it so you can see clearly that there is nothing left behind.

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