The Faster The Better

How fast do you want your home inspection to be? In most cases, the answer to that question is “As fast as possible”. While getting a thorough, high-quality home inspection does take time, there are many things that you as a homeowner can do to make it go faster. For...

Is It Time To Go Tankless?

When you turn on the hot water in your kitchen, how long does it take for the water to actually get hot? Does it irritate you if you have a very long wait? Depending on the distance from your water heater to the faucet, it could feel like it takes forever. This is one...
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What Every Home Buyer inLake County FL Should Know

Buying a home in Florida? Then there is some important information you should know.

Do not buy a home without knowing what you are getting into. The information provided in this short, free e-book can mean the difference between the house of your dreams... or a nightmare.

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