What does a woodpecker want from your house? Usually, it will come there only for one reason – to find food. Woodpeckers feed on bugs and larvae, and if they can find those inside the walls of your home, it might be their next target.

Woodpeckers can actually hear insects inside of the wood, but they also use their sight to spot any entrance holes where a wood boring insect might have entered the wood. To get them out, they peck their way through the wood.

Your best method for getting rid of woodpeckers is getting rid of any bugs that might be hiding inside your walls. Even though they aren’t visible, they are doing as much, if not more, damage than the woodpeckers. At times, a treatment with pesticides might be all you need to solve 2 problems at once.

Another method is to block off areas where woodpeckers like to land. You can do this with plastic netting.

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