Leading up to the 70s, asbestos was considered to be a very useful material since it could be added to other materials to make them stronger and fire resistant. By that time however, it was discovered that the fibers cause cancer when inhaled. The symptoms of inhalation might not show up for decades.

There is a chance that your home has asbestos in its building materials, and the risk is greater the older it is. If you are about to begin a remodeling or repair project on an older home, it is advisable to ascertain whether there is a risk of releasing asbestos fibers.

Unless the material is labeled as containing asbestos, there is no way to tell from a visual inspection if that is the case. For this reason, any material that you are uncertain of should be treated as if it contains asbestos.

Never try to remove material containing asbestos by yourself. There are professional companies that have trained personnel and equipment for the task. If removed by someone who isn’t trained, there is a chance that the fibers will be released into the air.

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