We all want good quality air in our homes. Did you know that having plants indoors will greatly improve your air quality? Many things in your home releases chemicals into the air. It could come from appliances, but it could also be seeping out of things such as carpets and plastic items. Plants will actually filter many harmful chemicals out of the air for you. It has even been shown from several studies that plants will alleviate many common respiratory problems, asthma and headaches.

If you decide to have plants in your home, you should care for them well to make sure that they do good and not harm.

For example, you should be careful not to overwater plants, since water could leak out and do damage to your floors. You never want to use chemical fertilizer indoors, since this could release more harmful chemicals into the air. If you do have a lot of plants in your home, it might be necessary to have a dehumidifier, since the plants could end up adding a lot of moisture to the air.

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