Sitting on a deck is an appealing thought to many homeowners. It is a nice addition to a home, and it will give you additional space to entertain guests, especially in pleasant weather. Unfortunately, many decks that are built are not safe, and there are many incidents where people are hurt because a poorly built deck collapses.

What are some things to keep in mind when building a deck?

One of the first considerations should be how many people can be expected to be on the deck. The more people you have on there, the more support it will need to have. If you also add on the weight of something like a hot tub, you might need to have enough support for over 5000 pounds for that alone.

It seems to be a natural inclination to lean on railings when you are on a deck, and if you have several people doing it at once, a railing that isn’t installed well might very well collapse, causing people to fall off the deck.

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