Having your own exercise equipment at home makes it a lot easier to get on a regular exercise routine. Without having to leave your home, you can get on an exercise bike and ride, lift weights or do whatever you have the equipment for. There is, however, something that you need to keep in mind if you have exercise equipment in your home, and that is that exercise equipment has great potential to harm someone that isn’t using it properly. Why, even a heavy dumbell left out in the wrong location could pose a serious tripping hazard.

With children at home, the danger is even greater. You should never let your children use your exercise equipment unsupervised. It is safest to have the equipment in a room that can be locked up to keep your children from getting access to it when you aren’t paying attention. 

It is also important that you have safety disconnects on any powered equipment that will turn the equipment off if someone were to fall off of it.

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