You might not worry too much about what you flush down the toilet, after all, it does seem to be a big enough pipe leading out of the toilet that it should be difficult to clog up, right?

This is actually not the case, and if you ever have experienced a clogged toilet, you know exactly how terrifying it can be. The problem is that many homeowners don’t realize how easy it is to clog up a toilet when you flush anything down it besides waste product and toilet paper. Even products that are labeled as “Flushable” shouldn’t really be flushed down the toilet. Toilet paper is specifically designed in such a way that it breaks apart in the water, greatly decreasing the risk of a clog. You can check it out yourself by pouring some water on toilet paper and watch it disintegrate.

Paper towel on the other hand is a different creature altogether, and it is actually made to resist breaking apart when it gets wet. That will surely lead to issues with your plumbing system.

As long as you just keep away from flushing anything down the toilet that doesn’t belong there, you will minimize the risk of a clog.

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