Saving money is something we all would like to do, but are there times when trying to save money could actually end up costing you more? There are, and your home inspection is definitely one of the areas where cheaping out could hurt you.

You might wonder why you shouldn’t just go with the cheapest inspector you can find. After all, some just view an inspection as a formality that needs to get done.

The fact of the matter is, whether you’re buying or selling a house, an inspector that misses a serious problem in his inspection could end up costing you a lot of money.

There are many inspectors out there that don’t have the training, tools or experience to do the job well.

If you make sure to hire an InterNACHI certified inspector, you know that you are getting someone that meets strict requirements. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that your inspector won’t be missing things due to lack of experience.

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