When you turn on the hot water in your kitchen, how long does it take for the water to actually get hot? Does it irritate you if you have a very long wait? Depending on the distance from your water heater to the faucet, it could feel like it takes forever. This is one of the improvements that you get when using a tankless water heater.

Tankless water heaters use electricity to heat the water up right at the faucet, giving you near-instantaneous hot water. While this is very nice, it is not the only benefit of having a tankless water heater. It also saves you money.

Traditional water heaters will constantly keep the water at a high temperature to be ready for use. This means that even when you don’t use any hot water, the heater is still running. A tankless water heater only turns on when the faucet is opened, saving you time and energy.

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