If you have young children at home and your house has a swimming-pool, it might be a wise idea to invest in a pool alarm. These devices are designed to alert you if an unsupervised child goes in the pool.

3 common versions of these devices are:

Sub-surface disturbance sensors – these are activated by a change in the pressure against the pool wall due to waves. This device is generally considered to be the most accurate.

Surface wave sensors – these devices float on the surface of the water and when a wave hits the 2 contacts of the device, it sounds an alarm.

Wristbands – these will sound an alarm when they get wet. Unfortunately, this can also cause false alarms from hand-washing or rain.

Of course none of these devices are fool-proof, but they can give you extra security when you worry about the safety of your children. They are, however not, a substitute for parental supervision.


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