Each year there are millions of burglaries. Here are some basic precautions you can take to protect your home.

Do not keep spare keys in obvious locations. If you need to keep a spare key, it is better to leave it with a neighbor.

The front door is the most common entrance for a burglar. The safest doors are steel or solid-core wood. Make sure your door is in good repair.

Your front door lock should be a good quality deadlock bolt, and the lock should also be bump resistant.

If there are any glass panes, they need to be located away from the lock so a burglar can’t break the window and reach in to unlock it.

When you are away from the house, leave a few lights lit, and if gone for a longer time, put some lights on timer to give the impression that someone is at home.

If possible, having a dog is a great, but even if that isn’t possible just having a “Beware of Dog” sign can deter burglars.

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