A flooded basement can be a terrible loss for a homeowner. Of course, there is going to be costly damage, but for some, there might be memories that are preserved in the basement that gets ruined by the water, causing an even more serious loss.
This is why many homes have a sump pump in the basement, especially in areas that are low-lying or get a lot of rain.
A sump pump is meant to turn on when water starts to intrude into the basement and pump it out away from the house. It will sit in a trench below floor level, and when there is water in the trench, the sump pump will turn on. Since these are electrical pumps, it’s important to have a backup power source for them, since heavy rains often are accompanied by power outages.
If your pump hasn’t been used in a while, it is a good idea to test it to make sure it functions properly. By pouring water into the trench, you will see whether the pump will turn on or not, finding out if it is ready for a rainstorm.

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