This time of year is very nice for working in your yard and clearing up old undergrowth and debris to have a fresh start in the spring. While it can be very calming and therapeutic to work in the yard, it can change to a nightmare quickly if you are exposed to poison ivy, oak or sumac. If you have ever been unfortunate to experience the pain, itching and blisters that these plants can cause, you probably know to be careful, but not everyone is aware how to protect themselves.

The dangerous substance from these plants is an oil. It is very sticky and can spread from your clothing to your skin if you are not careful. If you aren’t sure whether or not there are dangerous plants growing in your yard, you should play it safe and avoid touching anything with your bare hands. You should also wear long sleeve shirts and full pants. Even after these plants are dead, the oil could be dangerous, so you should immediately wash your clothes if you suspect they might have come into contact with these plants.

Avoid burning them at any cost. The smoke can cause serious breathing problems, and it can travel into your neighbor’s yard and put them at risk as well.

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