As a parent, there are many different things that you have to worry about. Take wall receptacles for example. Children that see you plug things into the receptacle are likely to try to do the same thing, and all it takes is a minute of your attention slipping for them to make their way to an outlet with something to poke at it with. This is why you should have some type of safeguard in place. Some parents choose to use simple plastic outlet covers, and while these might work, it is quite possible for a determined child to pry it loose.

A better solution is to install tamper-resistant receptacles. This is something that will cost you some money, but it is definitely the best protection for your children. Tamper-resistant receptacles will only accept something that is pushed into both sides of the receptacle with equal force. If you want to make sure your child won’t accidentally electrocute themselves, this is a worthwhile investment.

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