Have you ever considered using the sun to power your home? Solar energy technology has reached the point where it is a valid option for private homes. Installing solar panels can help you save money, and it is good for the environment. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind however.

The upfront cost of the panels, batteries and installation of the system is quite high, but it is an investment that will pay for itself fairly quickly, especially if you end up producing a surplus of energy. If that is the case, you might be able to take advantage of net metering, where your power company will give you credit for power that you return to the power grid. Public utility companies are required by law to provide that service when requested.

Some states will also give you a tax credit if requested.

A downside to having solar panels installed on your roof is that if any work needs to be done, such as repairing a leak or replacing the whole roof, the panels will need to be removed before the roof can be accessed, which could bring about additional expenses.

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