Your septic system is an integral part of your home, but unless there is an issue with it, you might not think too much about it. However, considering that it might cost you tens of thousands to replace it, it is definitely worth making sure it operates properly. Add to that, the risk that a malfunctioning septic system could make you and your family sick. In a worst case scenario, it could even contaminate the groundwater, rivers or lakes and hurt a lot of people.

Your septic system should be inspected every 3 years to ensure proper operation, and it needs to be pumped at least once every 5 years. It might even be necessary to do it more often than that if you have a large family.

Consider also what chemicals you use in your home that go into your septic system. Some are not septic tank safe, and will damage the system when flushed down the drain.You should avoid products that contain chlorine as much as possible, and drain cleaner is even worse. You don’t want to kill the beneficial bacteria that ensure your septic tank works properly.

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