In the summertime, wildfires are a big danger to your property and even your life. If you live in an area where wildfires are common, you should make sure to take steps to protect yourself and your home, especially during a dry period.

You want to keep anything that could become fuel for a wildfire as far away from your home as possible. If your home is surrounded by fencing, this could be an area where the wind collects debris and leaves, which will burn up very quickly. You should make sure to clean up around your fence. If you have the option, choosing a metal fence instead of a wooden one, will mean that the fence itself can’t fuel the fire.

If at all possible, you should avoid having vegetation that grows up against your house. Instead, cut back anything that the fire could travel through.

A big risk that many might not consider during a wildfire is that embers will travel a long distance from where the fire is. To make sure that this doesn’t pose a risk to your home, you should clean out your gutters to make sure there isn’t a buildup of material that could catch fire.


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