The doors inside your home are an important part of the building. They are there to give privacy, divide up rooms, or to keep the temperature at a certain level. Doors swing on their hinges many times each day, and you might not think much of it, but there are quite significant shear forces involved when the weight of the door moves back and forth. If the door isn’t properly installed, this could lead to damage and even personal injury.

A properly installed door needs to be installed in a square, plumb door frame. That is the first step, because the door will only be as sturdy as the frame it is mounted in.

The screws holding the door in place need to be of sufficient length, and attached to a solid wood stud.

If the door needs to be cut to fit, it is important that it is done with the proper tools. If it ends up being cut uneven, you could end up with a door that gets stuck or scrapes the floor when it swings.

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