What do you have in stock for cleaning supplies? If you have tried to restock recently, you realize that there are very few options out there for getting a hold of new supplies. So many stores have sold out on cleaning supplies, leaving empty shelves behind. The hoarding mentality that goes along with a crisis like the one we’re experiencing has really made a big dent in the available supply of many items, leaving a long time for the supply chain to catch up. If you have some basic cleaning chemicals available at home, you should be able to take care of your disinfecting needs as long as you use them wisely. For example, bleach shouldn’t be used at full strength. Instead, you should use about 2% of bleach dissolved in water for disinfecting your home. That way a bottle of bleach can go a very long way. You can also use a bottled disinfectant as long as it is EPA registered.

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