What are v Save & Exit apor barriers? Put simply, it is a material that is installed for the purpose of controlling moisture.

Vapor barriers can be paint, polyethylene, paper or foil. Using paint is a cheap solution since it doesn’t cost much more than regular paint. The paint should be applied to a well prepared surface and should cover the surface well. If there is any damage to the paint, it should be reapplied to the area since it is no longer working at full efficiency.

Polyethylene, on the other hand, is a thin plastic film and it is usually installed over framing and insulation. Since the material is very thin, it is easily damaged during installation, and because of this, you want to be very careful, since a single slash in the wrong place can make it useless.

There are reinforced varieties that have higher strength and are less likely to be damaged. This material should be used especially if you need to install it over a rough, irregular surface.

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