Lost Your Tub Stopper?

If you want to fill up your tub, you most likely use a tub stopper to keep the water from draining out. There are many different designs, but the most common is a lever that moves a plunger up and down a channel to cut off and open up the water flow. There is a...

Upgrading Your Hose

Whenever you are dealing with any appliance there are always some weak points that you should pay extra attention to, especially if a failure could mean disaster for your home. Oftentimes, this is something that can be solved to minimize or even remove the risk...

It’s How You Are Wired

You might not see it, but you are using it every day. We’re talking about the wiring in your home. Without electricity, our lives would be very different, and a lot of our everyday activities would be a lot more difficult. Some older homes do not have wiring that is...

Water That Is Good For You

One very important thing that you can do for your long-term health is drinking a lot of water. So many of your body’s systems rely on water to function properly and being dehydrated can seriously hurt your health. Of course, having smelly water is not going to make...

The Faster The Better

How fast do you want your home inspection to be? In most cases, the answer to that question is “As fast as possible”. While getting a thorough, high-quality home inspection does take time, there are many things that you as a homeowner can do to make it go faster. For...

Is It Time To Go Tankless?

When you turn on the hot water in your kitchen, how long does it take for the water to actually get hot? Does it irritate you if you have a very long wait? Depending on the distance from your water heater to the faucet, it could feel like it takes forever. This is one...

A Smart And Safe Home

For many years now, smart homes have been a hot topic on the news. It is a subject that intrigues a lot of people, especially considering the potential that a smart home has. For example, with automation, your home could predict a lot of your movement and turn on and...

Is it Time to Create a Room in Your Basement?

Have you ever considered finishing your basement? In many homes, the basement is a large area of unused space, so finishing it can be very appealing. Of course, you need to sit down and get a plan in place before you invest the time and money into the project. You...

Stay Away – Save Lives

We all love our friends and family, and we want to spend time with them, but the current situation with the coronavirus has made that difficult. One of the most effective ways of limiting the spread of the virus is to practice social distancing - keeping at least 6...

Using The Supplies You Have Wisely

What do you have in stock for cleaning supplies? If you have tried to restock recently, you realize that there are very few options out there for getting a hold of new supplies. So many stores have sold out on cleaning supplies, leaving empty shelves behind. The...

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